Since its foundation, APRI has understood the importance of transparency in carrying out this profession. The implications in the public life of a lobbyist’s work require high transparency standards in the development of the relationships with the State administration.
In this sense, APRI has launched the self-regulation of the sector through the composition of an internal Code of Conduct that is signed by all its members.
The APRI Code of Conduct was passed in 2011 and is similar to the one that is signed by the lobbyists who are registered in the Transparency Register of Brussels, jointly managed by the European Parliament and the European Commission. In 2021, ten years after the approval of the first APRI Code of Conduct, we developed a comparative review with other national and European Codes of Conduct. As a result, we have configured a professional code that reflects how we understand and want the profession to be.
Every article of this Code of Conduct includes an essential aspect to guarantee the development of lobbying by applying good practices at all times.
All of those who wish to join APRI must sign these nine principles, that make up the Code of Conduct which drives the Association, and that all its members commit to abide by APRI members, individuals or legal entities, accept and sign prior to their admission as members that, in their relationship with representatives of public authorities in the exercise of the legitimate representation of interests, they will comply with this APRI CODE OF CONDUCT.